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    A Detailed Look At Roadmap And Future Goals Of Litecoin

    Litecoin is a digital payment method with a long history dating back to 2011. It initially used Bitcoin’s fork source code, which is why the two blockchains share some similarities. LTC’s primary purpose is to offer an affordable and fast digital payment method. You can use the Litecoin calculator to understand its value compared to USD and convert it when necessary.

    The latest events around Litecoin attracted the public’s attention to the project again. The newest addition is the Space Block Explorer function. That’s why now is the right moment to check out the roadmap and future LTC goals.

    Past Updates Of Litecoin

    Litecoin had many important upgrades during its rich history. In the following sections, we remind you of the crucial updates that made LTC one of the most popular cryptos.

    Introduction of MimbleWimble Extension Block (MWEB)

    The purpose of the feature is to obfuscate transaction data and improve confidentiality. The short explanation is that MimbleWimble uses “blinding factors” to obfuscate the transaction amount. The CoinJoin is a cryptographic structure that combines multiple payment details in a single transfer. The idea is to minimize the possibility for someone to uncover a specific transaction trail. 

    Litecoin has been working on implementing the MimbleWimble feature since 2019. It was more than two years later when the network achieved consensus on executing this upgrade. MWEB has been active from the block height of 2,257,920. 

    Although it is heavily focused on privacy, it adds another key function. Thanks to MimbleWimble, the transaction data necessary is now at a bare minimum, which speeds up transactions.

    Adoption of adaptive block size limit

    The Litecoin community approved the adoption of an adaptive block size restriction. Although it is a fairly old crypto network, this feature ensures that the LTC blockchain follows the latest scalability trends. 

    This scaling solution means that the maximum block size adjusts to the current network demand. It ensures optimal time to confirm transfers, which leads to an improved overall transaction speed.

    The information available indicates that the maximum block size on the Litecoin network is 1 MB. It takes about 2.5 minutes on average to generate a new block, which is four times faster than on the BTC blockchain. 

    Litecoin Core v0.21.3rc3

    The latest core upgrade occurred in March 2024. It involved vital security improvements and other changes to the Litecoin network. Enhanced hardware wallet integration is now possible because PSBT supports MWEB. It boosts overall security and lays the foundation for new network functionalities.

    The Core v0.21.3rc3 update adds a patch for the CVE-2023-33297 issue. The fix keeps the core safe from remote bandwidth and CPU denial of service attacks. Litecoin developers also improved compatibility across different platforms while working on further expanding the ecosystem. 

    Launch of the Litecoin Foundation’s NFT platform

    Litecoin developers established the Omnilite platform. It’s an open-source marketplace where users and developers can create cryptocurrencies and NFT tokens. Omnilite also has a crowdfunding functionality powered by smart contracts. It acts as an intermediary between the sender and receiver. That ensures all funds end up at appropriate addresses while eliminating the need for a third party.

    Omnilite is a protocol designed on top of the LTC’s blockchain. It benefits from all the network’s features, including scalability, security, and affordability. If you create a token on Omnilite, any transactions made are stored on the LTC’s blockchain. 

    Will this affect the future Litecoin value? Each factor plays a role, and you can read the LTC’s price prediction for 2025 to discover more details about the currency’s future worth.

    Future Updates Of Litecoin

    We’ve covered the LTC roadmap so far, but what about the latest and future blockchain additions? Here’s how Litecoin plans to improve in the future.

    Expanded atomic swap capabilities

    An atomic swap is a direct cryptocurrency exchange between two different blockchains. It happens without intermediaries like exchanging platforms, facilitating faster and more affordable trade. 

    Litecoin is somewhat similar to Bitcoin, so it was natural that atomic swap integration would begin between these two chains. We can expect to see expanded atomic swap capabilities. The idea is to improve how interoperable Litecoin is with other blockchains. 

    Atomic swaps could make Litecoin a major player in decentralized exchanges. These conversions could eliminate centralized exchanges, improving user privacy when trading crypto. 

    Litecoin space

    Developers once again found the inspiration for this feature in Bitcoin’s network. BTC has the function, which enables exploring the chain. Now, LTC also has a block explorer, appropriately named Litecoin Space.

    Mempool transactions are transfers that haven’t been confirmed, and Litecoin Space can provide extensive data about them. That includes whether miners censored a transfer, checking out historical trends, and other useful info. Users can see historical trends, look for cheapest fees, etc.

    Developers also benefit from Litecoin Space since it enables a fast, reliable, and expansive API. The next step is adding MWEB transfer support and including ordinal inscriptions and OmniLite assets.

    Litecoin Price Prediction

    The currency didn’t have the best year in 2024 so far, but the latest update could change things. Some predictors don’t think it will go beyond the current $54 value before the year ends. Others put it at $73 to $80, while some think that LTC could break the $100 milestone mark in 2024. That’s even more likely to happen in 2025, with the most optimistic investors placing the coin’s worth at $173. The trend should continue in 2026, but the LTC forecasts vary from $90 to $268.

    The gap is even bigger for a long-term forecast. In 2030, LTC could be worth anywhere from $159 and $1,028. If you believe that Litecoin is worth the risk, it seems that now is the right time to add the coin to your portfolio. It will ensure you rip the benefits of LTC’s price jump, which most predictors expect to happen soon.

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