Hiring the correct employees is important to any business, but for healthcare companies, compliance with federal law is equally significant.
One important aspect of the hiring process is ensuring that candidates are not listed on the OIG Exclusion List, the consequences of which can be both legally and monetarily costly.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) maintains the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Exclusion List, a database of individuals and entities excluded from taking part in federal healthcare programs because of fraud, abuse, or other misconduct. Employing a listed individual can have serious repercussions, such as fines and termination of federal funding.
Not screening employment candidates against the OIG Exclusion List can lead to:
In order to be compliant, employers must integrate the following best practices:
Employers are required to check the OIG’s List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE) before hiring any applicant to ensure that they are not excluded. The database can be found on the HHS OIG website and is updated on a monthly basis.
Verification of the OIG Exclusion List is not a one-time activity only. Conduct periodic screening to help ensure current employees are in good standing and are not subsequently added to the exclusion list.
Manual searches are error-prone and time-consuming. Most organizations utilize automated screening software to incorporate OIG exclusion screening into HR and hiring processes.
Employers must record all exclusion screenings and maintain a record of the results. This assists with proving compliance if there is an audit.
If the employee is found on the OIG Exclusion List, immediate action is necessary, including termination of employment or consultation with counsel about potential remedial actions.
Hiring top employees means more than assessing skills and experience; it also requires due diligence when it comes to adherence to laws. Screening applicants against the OIG Exclusion List protects your organization from legal action, financial penalties, and damage to your organization’s image. By conducting thorough pre-employment screening and ongoing monitoring, organizations can ensure they remain compliant and maintain workforce integrity.