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    How Do You Pick The Suitable Wood Veneer For Kitchen Cabinets?

    If you are a first-timer creating cabinetry for your kitchen, shopping for wood veneer can be daunting.

    However, with your growing expertise, you can choose the suitable wood veneer to add a perfect finish to your kitchen. Here are some expert tips to further enhance your decision-making process and help you get the ideal wood veneer in no time without any stress.

    Wood Color

    When choosing wood veneer sheets, you need clarification on their color range, from light to medium to dark. Consider the wall, furniture, and floor of the space where you want to install the wood veneer, and pick the color range that matches all the sections together. Select a design and color compatible with modern light wood cabinets. Your main objective should be to enhance the natural beauty of the wood but also create a balanced kitchen cabinet. Also, there are high-contrast and low-contrast color schemes; for example, if you want to make a bold contrast against a dark or intense color, you can go for Ash or White oak. However, if you want elegance or pop-up colors, go for darker wood species such as walnuts or monkey pods.

    Grain Pattern And Cut

    It would help if you decided how much activity you want in the grain and whether it would be noticeable or whether there would be any movement when you view the material. You can choose between various patterns to make it visually attractive. Different patterns are derived from the movement of the grain, such as curly, bird’s eye, figured, etc. Even there are distinct arrangements in grains found within different woods of the same tree. The wood veneer can look different based on how it is cut. The most common types of cuts are flat cuts and rift cuts, which significantly impact the appearance of the grain. So, you can choose from subtle to bold or high-impact grain or figure, considering your taste and preferences for the interior space. If you ask for softwood, it is hard to pronounce grains, but you can get a high-impact grain structure for hardwood. 

    Wood Species

    If you want the most remarkable and decorative material for your kitchen cabinets, then wood veneer would be the right option. The beauty of wood veneer lies in its variety-you can choose between grain, patterns, characteristics, and color, all to suit your style, preference, and budget. With hundreds of wood veneers to choose from, you have the power to create a kitchen that is uniquely yours.

    Wood Grade

    It would help if you also considered variables related to the wood veneer sheet, such as grades, which are labeled based on the manufacturing process. A wood veneer sheet is graded on a scale of AA to C, where AA indicates the cleanest and closest to perfection. In contrast, C represents features that are unlimited, unpredictable in color, and can have open defects. The C grade would be best suited if you need an economical panel.


    After you have chosen the color, species of wood veneer, and grain, you have to decide on the ‘matching method,’ which can only be done with the help of an expert. Different matching types can result in various patterns, so customize the wood veneer according to the trend. Rest assured, you can always consult with and get a standard matching style, ensuring your project is in safe hands.

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