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    How To Get Your DeFi Token Listed On DeFiLlama Fast

    Launching a new cryptocurrency or DeFi project? You’ll need to get it listed on all the top tracking and analytics platforms as soon as possible. One essential site is DeFiLlama. 

    This unique platform tracks key data and metrics for thousands of DeFi protocols and assets.

    With over 1 million monthly users, DeFiLlama has become a go-to resource for DeFi investors, traders, and enthusiasts. Getting a DeFiLlama new listing gives your new token visibility, credibility, and access to this massive niche audience.

    However, the listing process can be complex for newcomers. You need to meet strict eligibility criteria and follow specific steps. Don’t leave it to chance – work with an experienced crypto marketing agency like ReVerb. We provide a quick DeFiLlama listing service to get you on DeFiLlama fast and seamlessly.

    In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know on how to get listed on DeFiLlama. Let’s start by understanding what exactly DeFiLlama is and why it matters so much.

    What Is DeFiLlama?

    DeFiLlama provides data, analytics, and rankings for decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. The platform tracks key metrics like total value locked (TVL) for various DeFi platforms. With over $5 billion in TVL tracked across 100+ protocols, DeFiLlama offers transparency into the burgeoning DeFi ecosystem.

    When you list your project on DeFiLlama, you give the protocol visibility, credibility, and access to critical data that investors use to evaluate projects. However, the listing process can be opaque. This guide breaks it down step-by-step.

    Why List Your Token On DeFiLlama?

    Getting listed on DeFiLlama can provide several benefits:

    Why List Your Token On DeFiLlama

    1. Drive awareness among DeFi users

    When you list your project on DeFiLlama, you put your new token right alongside major DeFi protocols. This makes your project visible to the many DeFi users already checking DeFiLlama for data and rankings. Standing out on DeFiLlama draws awareness and interest.

    2. Boost credibility

    Getting ranked on DeFiLlama lends credibility. It signals that your protocol meets certain criteria and standards to get included alongside other leading projects. This validation helps attract investors and users.

    3. Access to protocol growth metrics

    DeFiLlama provides ongoing tracking of your total value locked (TVL), user counts, and other vital statistics. This data is indispensable for monitoring real platform growth and adoption.

    4. Allow investors to monitor metrics

    Investors will rely on DeFiLlama’s third-party data to evaluate the progress of your protocol. Easy access to your TVL, user growth, and other metrics enables informed investment decisions.

    5. Give your community platform transparency

    Your community members will appreciate DeFiLlama’s transparent tracking. They can monitor adoption metrics without relying solely on your updates.

    Clearly, DeFiLlama drives awareness and credibility. So, what does it take to get listed?

    Requirements For Getting Listed On DeFiLlama

    Listing on DeFiLlama involves submitting an application that is manually reviewed by their team. 

    Here are the key DeFiLlama listing requirements your protocol needs to meet for consideration:

    Requirements For Getting Listed On DeFiLlama

    1. Have a fully functional platform

    Your DeFi platform needs to be live and operational. You’ll need to provide documentation proving core functionality. DeFi Llama won’t list ‘vaporware’ projects.

    2. Get audits from reputable firms

    Submitting audit reports from top security firms like QuantStamp or CertiK demonstrates your protocol’s legitimacy and security. Rigorous auditing is key.

    3. Meet a minimum TVL threshold

    DeFi Llama looks for protocols with substantial platform adoption. While no fixed TVL minimum exists, you’ll likely need at least $1 million+ TVL to qualify.

    4. Demonstrate user activity

    Your platform should show regular transactions and usage, not just staked funds. Trading volume and user counts signal real adoption.

    5. Provide a whitepaper and documentation

    Your application requires supporting materials like whitepapers, technical documents, and architecture overviews. These validate your project’s viability.

    6. Supply token and contract details

    You’ll need to provide comprehensive details on your tokenomics, including ticker symbols, contract addresses, supply amounts, and more.

    7. Link to social platforms

    DeFi Llama reviews your community engagement across social platforms. Links to channels like Twitter, Telegram, and Discord should demonstrate an active community.

    8. Set up data access and tracking

    Your application must include API endpoints or blockchain data access to enable DeFi Llama to pull and display your protocol’s TVL, pricing, and other metrics.

    As you can see, the DeFi Llama listing requirements are comprehensive. Meeting the criteria involves thorough preparation. And keep in mind the process entails manual review. Your application could take weeks or months to get approved, if at all.

    That’s why it makes sense to have an expert team in your corner to guide you on how to get listed on DeFiLlama quickly.

    How To List Your DeFi Project On DeFiLlama, Step-by-Step

    If you have a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol and want to list on DeFiLlama, follow the steps below.

    How To List Your DeFi Project On DeFiLlama

    Step 1: Clone DeFiLlama’s adapter repository

    First, you’ll need to clone the DeFi Llama Adapters GitHub repository, where all of their tracking integrations are stored. You can do this by clicking the “Fork” button in the top right corner of their repo page. This will create a copy in your own GitHub account.

    Step 2: Create a folder for your project

    In your forked version of the repo, create a new folder within the “projects” folder. Name it identically to your DeFi project’s name. This folder will house your integration code.

    Step 3: Build a custom adapter

    You’ll need to write custom adapter code enabling DeFi Llama to pull data from your platform. Studying examples in other project folders will help guide you in constructing yours. Make sure it pulls all relevant protocol metrics.

    Step 4: Submit a pull request to DeFi Llama

    Once your adapter is complete, submit it in a pull request to DeFi Llama’s main Adapters repo, along with a brief note explaining you’ve added tracking code for your project.

    Step 5: Wait for review and integration

    DeFi Llama team members regularly monitor new pull requests. They will review your integration code and either ask follow-up questions or merge it if everything looks good.

    Step 6: Allow time for front-end implementation

    After your adapter gets merged, give their front-end engineers 1-2 days to integrate your project’s data fully before it will appear on the DeFi Llama site.

    That’s the basic process for getting a DeFi Llama new listing. The key is crafting a proper data adapter tailored to your platform’s tech stack.


    Listing on leading data sites like DeFiLlama is essential for any new token’s success. However, the application process is manual and time-consuming.

    Work with a paid DeFiLlama service like ReVerb to fast-track your DeFiLlama listing and buy a DeFi fast-track listing. Our experts will ensure your application meets all requirements for quick DeFiLlama approval.

    ReVerb’s personalized DeFiLlama listing service and deep expertise can help you check this crucial milestone off your roadmap.

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