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    Mastering SEO Keyword Research: Techniques For Uncovering Hidden Gems

    When it comes to brand visibility online, one of the best ways to put yourself out there is to rank high up in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), which can be attained with the help of search engine optimization (SEO).

    You should never sleep on keyword search since it’s one of the foundations of successful digital marketing tactics. With the right keywords, you could enhance your online presence and generate traffic to your website, which could turn into sales.

    But incorporating certain keywords just won’t cut it; you have to use certain high-value keywords backed by search intent to truly shine online and outdo your competitors. Lucky for you, that’s exactly what we’re covering in today’s article.

    The Power Of Using “Hidden Gem” Keywords

    Before everything else, there are a couple of things you need to know to fully utilize keyword search, and these are the following:

    • High search volume but low competition will reel in curious users

    You know how in certain places, there are popular tourist spots, and then there are those considered “hidden gems” that are not known by many? This is exactly how high-search volume keywords work since they offer pretty good search volume, signaling that there are a lot of people looking up these terms.

    At the same time, only a few websites use these hidden gem keywords, which translates to low competition. With all that said, incorporating these hidden gem keywords on your website will result in a higher chance of ranking in SERPs; it doesn’t even matter if your website is freshly made or not.

    • Take note of targeted traffic and conversions

    Although generating traffic to your website and boosting your ranking are two results of using hidden gem keywords, there’s actually more to it than meets the eye. You see, people who Google a particular set of keywords usually have an intent behind that, and it’s usually to avail of the product or service.

    For example, if you’re looking into revamping your website and considering hiring search engine optimization services in Australia—your city—then you’d input those exact same keywords on the search bar, right? Users looking up these terms tend to take the next step in their buyer’s journey and convert. This type of targeted SEO traffic is one of the simple yet effective tips that lead to conversions.

    • Long-tail keywords have a lot of potential

    If you’re ready to take it up a notch, then don’t just settle for those certain keywords; make the most out of long-tail keywords. These usually consist of three to five words that are more specific than general terms. For example, if you’re looking for “cellphone repair,” you might want to be more specific and input “cellphone repair for broken LCD in Australia.” Long-tail keywords are the best examples of highly qualified leads because they attract very specific needs despite generating a low search volume.

    How To Uncover Hidden Gem Keywords

    Now that you know the possibilities and results of incorporating hidden gem keywords on your site, it’s time to couple them with these techniques to discover them.

    Use keyword search tools

    Thankfully, everything can be found and used on the internet, and in this case, there are a lot of powerful keyword search tools for you to choose from and use. Do you know what’s even better? Some of them are free! Others, on the other hand, offer free trials, which could give you a glimpse of what other services they could offer. Some of the popular search tools used by many include the following:

    • Google Keyword Planner
    • SEMrush
    • Ahrefs
    • Moz Keyword Explorer
    • Ubersuggest

    Make use of the “Search suggestions” and “People also ask” options

    Have you ever noticed that when you’re trying to look up something and start typing keywords in the search bar, there are a lot of predictive texts and suggestions that will show up on the lower portion? These are popular searches related to your queries, so it’s a good idea to note what the terms that pop up are. 

    google suggests

    In line with that, you should also explore “People Also Ask” to see valuable longtail keywords attached to the topic you’re researching.

    Always analyze the traffic

    Analyze your existing traffic. While you’re applying all of the aforementioned, you should also check on your website’s analytics data, which you can easily do by right-clicking the background and selecting “View page source.” Taking a closer look at this would help you identify keywords that lead traffic to your site, you could also see other potential hidden gem keywords that you can utilize to boost your site.


    High visibility in SERPs is essential for a strong online presence, achievable through smart SEO practices. Using high-value keywords with clear search intent and “hidden gem” keywords—high search volume but low competition—can attract significant traffic and increase sales. Understanding keyword intent helps drive targeted traffic and boost conversions.

    To find valuable keywords, use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. Leverage search suggestions and the “People Also Ask” section for related searches and long-tail keywords. Regularly analyze your website’s traffic to refine your strategy and discover new hidden gem keywords. This approach will enhance your brand’s visibility, attract targeted traffic, and drive more conversions.

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