QR code, also known as Quick Response Code, was first introduced by a Japanese company called Denso Wave to label automobile parts for easy recognition.
Since its inception, QR codes have been everywhere. From product labels to printed receipts and check-ins for hotels, events, etc., the technology’s use cases are practically endless.
Due to such popularity, many online platforms have started chipping in to provide free tools to create and scan QR codes. This is to give users easy accessibility to crucial data, sign up for online forms, redeem coupons by going to set links and much more.
In this post, I am going to review such a tool called Qrscanner.net. I will go through its entire working process and also discuss the benefits that it may provide you to ease your daily tasks. So, let’s get started.
Starting its operations in the late quarter of 2023, Qrscanner.net has since gained a lot of traction online. It is a free online QR code scanner that works for unlimited tries regardless of the device you use to access it.
The tool comes equipped with a nice, simplistic user interface, making it easily accessible to a wide audience. Plus, there’s support for 13 global languages, which adds to the overall package that it has to offer.
Note: Before I move on to Qrscanner.net’s complete review, I just want to clarify one thing. I am in no form or shape compensated or obliged to write this review from the company. So, what you are about to hear is purely my thoughts about this tool.
There are two ways to work with the tool: A) Upload the image of the QR code to the tool’s interface, and B) Scan it with your device’s camera.
Right now, we will focus on exploring option A, which is selecting the ‘Upload QR Code’ option.
Since I am currently working on a laptop, my demonstration will be based on that. But you are free to do this procedure with any iOS or Android phone, too. You just have to follow my steps, which remain pretty much the same for any device you wish to work.
As quick response codes are mostly generated and stored in .PNG and .JPG/.JPEG files, uploading them from the device is as simple as you like. However, please note that there is no option in this tool to upload QR codes in PDF or EPS files (more on this later.)
Regardless, I generated a QR code with a prompt to open the following website: https://example.com.
I stored the QR code in JPG format and uploaded it by clicking the ‘Upload Image’ icon (see the image above.) Below is the result I got.
As you can see, I now have a clickable link, which will take me to the desired website with ease. I can also copy the URL to my clipboard and use it elsewhere as I please.
Choosing this tab requires access to your device’s camera so make sure to allow it for this website before proceeding.
When it comes to scanning the QR Code directly from a device such as a smartphone, webcam, tablet, or laptop, there are a few things you should consider.
With all that said, let’s see Qrscanner.net in action. For this demonstration, I picked a medical bill from my drawer, which had a nicely visible QR code printed on it.
As evident, I have received a website link in return, which I can click to land on the page I want.
After reviewing the entire working process of qrscanner.net, let’s quickly discuss and recap some of its benefits.
As I have already highlighted above, the tool is completely free to use with no charges or limitations. Considering this premise, it comes as a shock to see this website so quick and snappy in response.
In my experience, most free online QR tools have a very bad UX (user experience) due to a lot of annoying stuff you get with it like pop-ups, repeated prompts to sign in/sign up, etc.
However, with Qrscanner.net, this isn’t the case. The tool feels very lightweight to use simple, straightforward, and gets the job done quite elegantly.
The developers have done a good job integrating a ‘Beep’ sound into this QR scanner. This makes it super easy to determine if the job is done or not, especially useful when you are processing a batch of QR codes at once.
In addition to this, you also have the liberty to turn this sound off if it feels too irritating to your ears.
Qrscanner.net saves a history of QR scans on its platform. This is a benefit to supermarket owners, digital creators, marketers, etc., who have to jump to and fro between multiple scan results at once.
This can keep their workflow smooth and fluid, allowing them to get more work done in less time.
It isn’t remotely possible that an online tool is all sunshine and roses. Therefore, for obvious reasons, Qrscanner.net is no exception.
In my experience, the two QR Codes I scanned earlier were either 2cm x 2cm or more. When the sizes of codes shrink from this point on, the tool struggles to recognize them.
This might not necessarily be a deal-breaker for this tool as 2×2 is the minimum size limit for scannable QR codes by smartphones and many other scanners. However, it is a thing worth noting for now.
There are no promises on the Qrscanner.net website that the tool supports secure data uploading.
On the contrary, many competitors in this region are built with Google’s secure Zxing library. This is a slight downside for this QR scanner.
Lastly, as I have previously highlighted, the tool does not support uploading QR codes as PDF or ESP files.
This is one thing that the developers must consider adding to the upcoming builds of this tool to further elevate its functionality.
Qrscanner.net is a free and user-friendly online QR code scanner that offers unlimited scans and supports JPG and PNG file formats.
The tool has a lightweight interface, and its quick performance enhances the user experience. While features like support for multiple languages, sound notifications, and storage of scans do benefit people, the tool isn’t free from its limitations.
Considering everything I’ve mentioned so far, I can still confidently recommend Qrscanner.net as a worthwhile option to consider for quick access to digital content.