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    Are Purchased Email Lists Dead In 2024? Here’s What Marketers Should Do Instead

    New business owners and online influencers may wonder if buying an email list is worthwhile to get a jumpstart on potential leads.

    However, the reality of purchased email lists rarely live up to the promises. Trying to shortcut market research and effort seldom works.

    Why Are Purchased Email Lists Questionable?

    The idea behind buying an email list is you get access to your target audience and can start selling to them immediately. You’ll gain access to people’s emails who have never heard of you and didn’t subscribe to your list. They are unlikely to engage with your content and may even feel angry you bothered them, damaging your reputation. You will also violate consent rules for people under the GDPR, which can cause legal repercussions and fines.

    Since people change their emails and providers frequently, many of the names on any list you buy will likely bounce back. Some email newsletter services will flag your account if you get too many hard bounces or complaints about unsolicited emails. Purchased lists equate to spamming people, which businesses should avoid to stay in their target audience’s good graces.

    6 Ideas To Use Instead Of Purchased Email Lists

    Fortunately, there are many methods you can use to reach new customers. Find some proven techniques below.

    1. Develop a social media persona

    Around 5 billion people use social media. While only a tiny portion of your target audience is your target audience, social platforms are one of your best bets for reaching who you want.

    Start by choosing one or two platforms where your customers hang out. If you want to reach Gen Z, you must select one of the social sites they frequent, such as Snapchat or TikTok. Develop a brand personality for your account and stick to it so users come to know you and share your posts with others. Occasionally, remind them you have a mailing list or offer them a discount if they subscribe.

    2. Create quality blog posts

    To increase inbound traffic and attract more subscribers, you must create high-quality content people want to read. Research keyword phrases in your field, see what information people most want, and write articles and make videos to answer their questions.

    How well you rank in search engine results can impact how many visitors you draw to your site and how many subscribers you gain.

    3. Encourage subscriptions through thought leadership content

    If you want people to share their email with you, they need a reason to do so. Consider implementing a regular newsletter if you haven’t already, where you share original ideas and content and create calls to action (CTAs) throughout your site for easy accessibility to sign up. You could also create original research that requires an email address to access.

    Before your site visitors will share this information freely, they need to know you protect their private details. As approximately 32% of companies are victims of cybercrime each year, the average consumer hears about data breaches or receives notices about their information being compromised frequently.

    People want to know that if they share their details with you, you have taken steps to secure that information so it does not fall into the wrong hands. Encourage users to send their info to you by requesting only what you need and making privacy policies easy to find on your site.

    4. Ask for help

    Your current customers may be your most extensive resource for new subscribers. They are likely friends with like-minded people who want the same products and services.

    Contact your client list and ask if they will tell others about you. Encourage them to invite their friends to sign up for your mailing list by offering an entry into a drawing or a discount when they and their friends subscribe.

    People who already enjoy your brand are likely to tell others, but they sometimes need a reminder to do so. You could also add a referral program that rewards current shoppers for sharing your brand with others they think might be interested in what you do.

    5. Team up with an influencer

    Although not directly purchasing a list, you can get people to sign up by paying an influencer and having that person share information about what you do. If you aim to get new subscribers, work with the online personality to encourage people to subscribe.

    Seek out an influencer with an audience similar to your typical buyer. Talk to them about what you want to get out of the arrangement. Be ready with offers for potential new subscribers, but any offers should align with your industry.

    Avoid handing out a freebie for signing up, as you’re likely to attract people who want something free but may not be your target audience. Instead, offer a discount, a free guide on a relevant topic, or a webinar that draws the exact people you want. Another idea is to host a raffle to draw more attention to your brand, hoping participants will sign up for your list.

    Companies spend around $220 billion on social media ads — a number rising to $255.8 billion by 2028. Influencers may direct you to what works best for a particular platform and audience.

    6. Collaborate with other businesses

    Have you ever tried a new restaurant or other local business because another one you like suggested it? You can collaborate with other enterprises in various ways that benefit you both.

    The key is to find a noncompeting brand with similar customers — for example, a heating and cooling contractor teaming up with a local plumber. First, understand your typical user and then brainstorm who has similar clients but offers something other than what you do now or in the future.

    Some ways you can collaborate and encourage their audience to become yours include social media takeovers, newsletter swaps, and advertising on one another’s websites. You can also be a guest blogger for a publication that attracts users who might be interested in your product.

    The more you get your name out there as an authority in your field, the more people will likely turn to you when they need an answer. Be ready with a guide or webinar on topics they can get for free if they share their email and sign up for your list.


    Purchasing email lists could damage your reputation and have legal repercussions. It’s best to build your list organically. Know who your audience is so you can target your efforts to attract people who want what you offer. With more effort, you’ll have a usable list that results in higher revenue.

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