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    Is Axie Infinity Coin Worth Investing? 5 Reasons Why It Is

    The Axie infinity (AXS) gamer’s coin is dominating the crypto gaming market, 

    AXS is a metaverse platform that offers engagement and entertainment for its users. The network records $3.6Bn worth of trades in its in-house marketplace.

    Players earn AXS coins by either playing games or purchasing them from decentralized exchanges. In addition, they can use the token to purchase NFTs. 

    Now, is the Axe infinity network worth the hype? Or is it another of the crypto bubble? 

    Let’s explore the Axie infinity coin, its profitability, and if it’s worth investing in. We’ll also share the best place to buy the AXS coin in 2022. 

    What Is Axie Infinity?

    Axie Infinity (AXS) is a play-to-earn gaming platform and network in the cryptocurrency ecosystem built on the blockchain. AXS users can play several games in the Axie ecosystem to get Axies as rewards when they trade, gather, battle, and raise digital assets. 

    Axie Infinity is incredibly famous at this point. The network performs a critical role in blending entertainment and educating the world about blockchain technology. 

    The project ranks high in the number of active users, boasting 2,800,000 active players daily—also, the game records over 13,000 ETH in earnings. 

    What difference does Axie Infinity make? 

    Axie Infinity gaming platform provides a structure that improves the gaming experience of players and NFT collectors and gives better means of enjoying the value of the game world. 

    AXS ensures users have actual ownership, unlike other gaming platforms where people invest their resources in digital assets without gaining actual ownership. 

    Where To Buy Axie Infinity Coin In 2022

    AXS coins serve as a payment currency within the Axie NFT universe. You’ll need to buy some tokens to join the network. 

    Make sure you buy your coin from a reputable platform to ease the purchasing process. A proven way to buy Axie Infinity tokens is on platforms like MoonPay, which enables fast payments via preferred payment methods. 

    5 Reasons Why Axie Infinity coin Is Worth Investing 

    Users benefit from the Axie Infinity ecosystem in many ways. From enjoying the fun and entertainment to earning valuable NFTs. Here are some key benefits of the Axie Infinity game: 

    • It’s expandable

    A crucial benefit of the Axie Infinity galaxy is its open place. Its creators allow other members of its universe to contribute to improving the user experience. 

    • High profits 

    Players receive a significant amount of their revenue with a low percentage charge. 

    • Passive rewards 

    Axie Infinity has a high ROI, making the network excellent for passive income generation. Users earn extra income from participating in the games. 

    Below are more reasons explaining why the Axie Infinity coin is worth the investment.

    1. The gaming industry is one of the largest and most profitable industry

    Crypto games are here to stay. One of the top reasons why Axie Infinity is worth investing in is its significance in the crypto gaming industry. It’s not yet definite that Play-to-earn (P2E) games are the future of video gaming as we look to the next stage of the internet – Web 3.0

    However, we are sure they’ll become more notable since most games before play-to-earn games already include in-game purchases. 

    It simply means the feature of in-game purchases and transactions started after the introduction of play-to-earn games. They existed in the gaming world before the emergence of NFTs. 

    We expect that the gaming industry will continue to embrace the technology. With the introduction of play-to-earn games, there is a better feature that helps integrate with any digital transaction. 

    With the gaming industry’s potential, the mobile gaming market is worth more than a hundred billion. The figure shows that the market has the potential as new users join the users and enjoy the gaming experience daily. When using a YouTube banner maker for gamers, game studios can significantly increase their coverage and attract more devoted fans to their universe.

    5G technology will take gaming to new heights, and awesome projects like Axie Infinity are well-positioned to be a playmaker. 

    Still, I wouldn’t say it will gain more users. However, the game is accessible to players of all ages, implying a good chance it will become a significant affair.

    2. The recent launch of the AXS stake

    Another reason the Axie infinity coin is worth investing in is the ability of players to stake AXS coins. Staking Axie Infinity has the potential to cause a significant increase in your investments. 

    Axie Infinity players will earn cryptocurrency as they progress through the game and begin to stake their coins. It provides users with more reasons and means to utilize their earnings. Several users have access to participate in the Axie staking program. Staking your Axie tokens helps to effectively tie them up, which will yield interest after a period. 

    Another benefit to this stakeholder participation is the right of users to vote on the future of Axie’s infrastructure developments. Staking encourages scarcity, which raises the price of AXS, resulting in a higher value.

    When the developers behind Axie Infinity introduced the staking program, they distributed multiple tokens to users who had already been playing and were already on the platform. Axie Infinity’s APY (Annual Percentage Yield) was very high initially, at around 400%. This enticed many users to stake their AXS holdings. Although the APY has decreased over time, it still provides decent returns.

    3. Axie Infinity owns its decentralized exchange, Katana

    The fact that Axie Infinity has its decentralized exchange, Katana, distinguishes it from other play-to-earn games. The network’s innovator designed Katana to provide a simple way for players to exchange tokens in-game without having to go through a complex exchange procedure.

    Katana provides a convenient way for Axie Infinity users to move their tokens and potentially earn from them without leaving the chain. It also lays the foundation for other NFT-based games. 

    On Katana, you can trade a variety of tokens, including Axie Infinity Shards, which is Axie Infinity’s native token, Smooth Love Potion, which is Axie Infinity’s secondary coin, and WRAPPED ETC and USD Coin.

    4. The NFTs are a trendy and profitable industry 

    In 2021, Non-Fungible Tokens–NFTs became the hottest topic in the cryptocurrency market. However, it’s an offshoot of several prominent auctions that raised millions of dollars. 

    Platforms like Axie Infinity thrive on NFTs, which effectively provide proof of ownership in digital form. NFTs are the most practical ownership model, enabling users to trade within the Axie universe. With the media attention NFTs receive, it’s most likely to attract general audiences. 

    Typically, it will increase the number of gamers in Axie Infinity since it is one of the most approachable games. Plus, it provides players with a simple method to collect NFTs. While these are speculations, most investors in the NFT trend aim to join the AXS network. 

    5. Axie infinity is the most popular NFT game 

    AXS developers assert the Axie game is the most played NFT game, with the network recording over 2.2 million active gamers every month. 

    Most Axie gamers are regular employees who play games to earn cryptocurrencies and increase their earnings. Players prefer crypto games since they don’t need special accounts to gain access and play. 

    With these features, the Axie Infinity (AXS) network will maintain and gain more players, which will likely cause a price increase.


    Axie Infinity is one of the play-to-earn blockchain games where players collect exclusive and high-profit NFT characters. Another exciting part is all items in the Axie universe will be sold on marketplaces as NFTs, where users trade and earn AXS.

    The AXS network is rapidly growing, with new investors joining the game. So, the Axie Infinity coin is worth the pick if you’re a savvy investor!

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