As students, many of you have probably done some PowerPoint presentations in school and college.
Such tasks are mainly given to learners to teach them how to speak in front of a group and prepare effective material for presentations. Both of these skills are crucial in many careers, including those in marketing.
Nevertheless, starting a marketing career while still in college, you will probably see that preparing presentations for the class and for an actual campaign are two big differences. First of all, in school, you can always turn to professional write my papers services and let experts do the hard work for you. But in your job, you will have to do everything yourself. And you will have to do it excellently.
But don’t worry! There are simple ways to hone your skills. For all students with fresh careers in marketing, we’ve gathered the top seven handy tips and tricks that will help you craft killer presentations for various purposes.
When making a PowerPoint for the class, you will typically have a specific theme and purpose in mind. The same approach should be taken to marketing presentations.
Depending on the type of job you do and the campaign you have planned, you can have a purpose to educate, engage, or convert prospects. Some other objectives could be boosting sales, gaining new followers, etc. The goal you have should be carefully aligned with the content you provide.
So the first tip we have for you is to identify your purpose early on and keep it in mind while working on your slides.
If you’ve ever used PowerPoint before, you should know that this program features a pretty extensive library of built-in themes and color palettes that you can use to design your presentations. These built-in themes could work for college assignments. However, we don’t recommend using them in your work.
Leveraging ready-made themes can make your slides look too generic. Needless to say, “generic” is never good for marketing. After all, if you want to engage prospects and customers, you need to demonstrate your company’s individuality, so creating a custom theme is the way to go.
Use your creativity and design sense to craft a theme that aligns with your brand’s image, color palette, and vision. This will help you achieve your objectives.
Do you know how you have to hook readers with the first sentence in your essay? In the same way, you have to engage your audience with the first slide of your presentation. It must captivate them at first glance and make them want to keep watching and being attentive.
There are many tricks that can help you hook your audience. Many marketers confirm that a rhetorical question, impactful quote, intriguing data, or statistical facts work best as hooks. Use any of these options that align with your overall vision and purpose and get your audience engaged from the start.
According to a study by Search Engine Watch, storytelling can boost conversion rates by a whopping 30%. So if you want to make your presentation a blast, tell your audience a story.
In your slides, interact with customers and prospects through shared experiences and tell them stories that stand behind your brand. First of all, this approach will help you personally connect to your audience.
On top of that, it will help improve trust and build brand awareness. Study the basics of visual storytelling and apply them in practice to succeed in your career.
Whether your goal is to promote a brand or product, attract new customers, or anything else, in marketing presentations, you will always have to make some proposals, and the best way to do this is to back them with value.
Proposals backed by real value are the most impactful. They demonstrate how your company or products affect people’s lives and help ensure prospects that they can gain the same benefits. This approach can help you boost sales and increase brand loyalty.
So be sure to provide factual value data for every proposal you make in your slides.
The next trick is age-old. Still, it works excellently in marketing presentations. Including data from a recent analysis of a relevant industry fulfills two primary goals.
First of all, it helps you educate your audience better about what your company is and what it does. And secondly, such data helps establish credibility, which will help build deeper trust with prospects and achieve your presentation’s goals.
While reporting on the findings from the industry analysis, you will likely cover your competition. After you do this, it’s a perfect time to let the audience know about your company’s Unique Selling Point or USP.
In a nutshell, USP is a unique feature that makes your brand stand out from the rest. It’s something that can help you ace the marketing game without a hassle.
Thus, the last tip we have for preparing this kind of presentation is to always emphasize and promote your brand’s USP. An authentic selling point is something that will help you convince the audience to trust and buy from you, so don’t hesitate to use it!
Starting a job in marketing while still being a student is hard but incredibly exciting. On the one hand, you will have to work for wear and tear to balance your studies and your fresh career.