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    Mastering SharePoint For Enhanced Project Management: A Beginner’s Guide

    Globally, companies are adopting agile methods for creating and implementing their business and IT strategies, and they are also searching for chances and strategies to improve their data management capabilities.

    Solutions that offer benefits in terms of usability, dependability, scalability, mobility, speed, effectiveness, context, and safety are required.

    SharePoint is an enterprise-level web-based collaborative business platform created by Microsoft that is intimately integrated with Microsoft Office 365. But it’s not just a solution or any application.

    We created this guide to understand the benefits of SharePoint and how to manage your projects with its help effectively. 

    What’s The Role Of SharePoint In Improving Project Management?

    An increasingly popular platform for managing projects and processes is Microsoft SharePoint. SharePoint may be customized to meet your team or business’s unique requirements because of its user-friendly interface and various adjustable settings.

    If you want to get fundamental knowledge and specific advice regarding your project, start with SharePoint project management consulting by EPC Group, which will simplify monitoring development and pinpointing potential improvement areas.

    As a result, utilizing SharePoint and other tools for project management can enhance team productivity and collaboration, producing positive results.  

    How To Start Managing Projects With SharePoint: 5 Simple Steps

    Microsoft SharePoint is a flexible program that permits safe team collaboration and document sharing. It contains a number of features, such as task lists, calendars, and document libraries, that can be used to track projects.

    You can manage projects with SharePoint by constructing a system for tracking tasks, organizing documents, and obtaining team member feedback by creating lists and libraries and using custom processes.

    Wikis and blogs are excellent communication tools that you may utilize to keep everyone informed about the status of the project.

    Here is the step-by-step guide for beginners who wish to try SharePoint for their projects. 

    1. Plan and outline your project

    A project outline is a written document that aids in defining the objectives, deliverables, tasks, timetable, and resources for a project. It helps team members, decision-makers, and others comprehend the project’s goals and objectives. It consists mostly of a description of the project’s objectives, activities, schedule, and results.

    For monitoring your success, managed services like SharePoint will help you construct your project outline in one place. These steps may be applied while thinking about your project’s outline. 

    • Setting the project’s parameters
    • Establishing a firm deadline for the project’s completion
    • Detecting potential risks and difficulties while executing a project
    • Measuring the need for resources

    2. Organize your tasks and utilize your content types

    Managing resources, such as different content types, is a crucial issue for many firms. This is especially true for businesses whose primary collaborative platform is Microsoft SharePoint.

    Having an efficient system in place is crucial for managing project resources, tracking holiday allocations, and managing employee leave requests. Fortunately, SharePoint provides a number of options to assist you in making the most of your resources.   

    3. Building customized workflows for project management

    A communication technology that can be utilized in a professional situation is SharePoint. It makes it easier to monitor employee communication and enhances in-built workflows between staff members and clients or customers.

    SharePoint may be tailored to a company’s needs, and understanding how to use all of its features will increase communication. SharePoint communication features facilitate project and task management for teams.

    Workflows are an excellent tool for keeping all process steps centralized and organized. Teams function more effectively and seamlessly when everyone is aware of what needs to be done and is on the same page.

    You may stay clear of duplication, missed deadlines, and misunderstanding by using solutions like SharePoint communication.

    4. Create effective communication channels for the team

    Although meetings are a necessary component of the business, they can also be a significant time waster. Unproductive meetings can significantly reduce staff productivity and cause substantial interruptions. Meetings that are ineffective are a waste of time for everyone and can be quite frustrating.

    The good news is that you can take a few steps to prevent them or improve their effectiveness:

    • Make an effort to keep your meetings on schedule by creating and adhering to an agenda.
    • Confirm that everyone required to participate is there.
    • Keep the conversation on the subject at hand.  

    Meetings are a great way to start your project off on the right foot, and SharePoint is a wonderful tool for managing your schedule. SharePoint makes it simple to invite attendees, keep track of who has accepted or declined, and send out meeting agendas. SharePoint may also be used to record meeting minutes and update the calendar for your team.   

    5. Setting KPIs to measure team performance

    Microsoft’s other significant productivity benefit of SharePoint is its ability to use automated workflows for feedback collection, so you set successful KPIs.

    A new brochure or another piece of marketing collateral, for instance, is likely to travel through several team members before being approved. In this case, implementing an approval-based procedure ensures that every team member has quick access to the same version for contributing useful feedback.

    There are various ways to construct a feedback form in SharePoint. An example of a survey you may create would have multiple-choice questions, one or more lines of text, dates, numbers, currencies, and more. Customization opportunities are essentially limitless.

    You may immediately publish the results live on your SharePoint site after the form is complete and send a notification to team members.


    Microsoft SharePoint offers a user-friendly and customizable platform that enhances project management. With SharePoint project management consulting, businesses can streamline processes and improve collaboration.

    Follow our easy steps to make the most of SharePoint: plan and outline projects, organize tasks, build customized workflows, create effective communication channels, and set KPIs. As a result, SharePoint’s versatility and communication tools will enable efficient teamwork, reduce unproductive meetings, and facilitate feedback collection, all contributing to your project’s success and organizational growth.

    Start using SharePoint for effective project management today!

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