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    5 Actionable Techniques To Write Sales Content That Converts

    Content for blogs, social networks, and landing pages, which should sell and convert, has evolved significantly over the past few years. 

    “Buy already! Only 10 left! Hurry up to order while the unique discount is valid only for you!” – it doesn’t work anymore. Today, selling content is built on psychology principles, knowledge of your target audience, and accuracy. 

    It has become even more challenging to write selling texts. Therefore, out of hundreds of thousands of copywriters on the network, finding a real professional who will write content for conversion is not easy. That’s where ReVerb comes in; our team of top-notch content writers can show you the true magic of selling copywriting.

    Becoming a professional writer on your own is even more difficult. In this post, paper writers from Essay Tigers share their actionable techniques for writing sales texts, which will be helpful not only for colleagues but also for marketers, clients, and anyone who wants to create and consume quality content. They also provide insights on text editing and proofreading services that help to write competent and easy-to-read content.

    So read on to find out some actionable techniques to master the art of sales content creation.

    How To Write A High-Converting Sales Content: 5 Proven Tips 

    1. Recall The Old-Fashioned Formulas

    It seems illogical that we talked about the fact that sales texts have become different and immediately recall the formulas derived back in the period of the birth of converting content as a marketing method. 

    But these formulas are still relevant as they are based on the laws of psychology. And if you need a really working text, you can only do with knowing these rules.

    • AIDA – Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

    This is the most common and favorite formula of many specialists. It simply and logically guides the reader through all the stages of his emotions and logically calls to action. 

    When you combine this formula with the latest converting content writing techniques, the result is potent.

    Capturing attention, maintaining interest, arousing desire, and calling for action no longer work “on the forehead” today. Each point must be carefully worked out so that the reader takes the action that you expect from him.

    • PMPHS – Pain, More Pain, Hope, Solution

    Previously, this formula was a real fear of readers. At first, they were told how bad they were, then it would get even worse, then they were reassured, and in the end, they threw a life-saving straw. 

    It is worth saying that this formula still works, especially in some specific niches and texts for certain business areas, for example, in Insurance. But for it to bring the desired conversion, one condition is needed – perfect knowledge of your target audience. 

    You must know exactly what the client of the company is afraid of, how much pressure can be put on them, and whether the action that they must perform is really the solution to his problem.

    • ODC – Offer, Deadline, Call to action

    A formula that has long migrated from full-fledged texts to short advertising and push notifications. To increase the conversion of this formula, you need to give precise numbers and be extremely accurate. 

    This is a formula of limitations, and customers do not like them, so you should present it not through strict limits but as an exclusive or unique offer.

    • 4U – Useful, Urgent, Unique, Ultraspecific

    A detailed formula that makes it possible to warm up the reader well for action. Again, the condition of use: speaking about the benefits and uniqueness of the product, we are not revealing its advantages but the benefits that the client will receive when using it. 

    For example, most customers are not interested in the capacity of the power bank they are selling. They are interested in how many times they can charge their phone from it, how many devices can be charged at the same time, etc. If the text is focused on the needs of the client and not the schedule advantage of the company, then this formula works great.

    • ACCA – Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction, Action

    This formula is suitable for long texts, emails, social media posts, and blogs. But even in this formula, not everything is very smooth. There is an opportunity to get involved. It allows you to “talk heart to heart” with the client, tell them what you know about their problem, that you can help them, and that you have a unique product or service. This formula is not to be played with, but it works great in some niches, such as selling maternity products.

    Having remembered the formulas and looking at them with a fresh eye, you can move on to modern techniques for writing sales content that brings conversion. 

    2. Apply new methods of writing sales texts that increase conversion

    Now you may ask, is it worth reinventing the wheel if everything has already been invented before us? The answer is worth it because now electric bicycles are being successfully sold, which makes it possible to get from point A to point B much faster with minimal effort. 

    Also, with new methods, you can use classic technologies or improved ones that will give you more conversion. Therefore, let’s talk about “electric bikes” in copywriting.

    • Long-tail keywords

    For the text to prompt action, it must be read, so keywords must be used. This includes optimization for search engines and “hooks” for readers. The innovation in this area concerns the words themselves. 

    Today, many web users prefer voice search. 52% of voice assistant users say they use voice technology several times a day or almost every day. That is, they drive the request more precisely, which means it becomes longer. 

    For example, “buy an electric bike” was manually typed into the search bar. Today, the voice will request “buy an e-bike in Oklahoma for a teenager for the city.” Agree, this is a more accurate request. 

    On the one hand, focusing on such keywords, you weed out other customers who just want to buy an e-bike, but on the other hand, you get a more purchase-minded audience in Oklahoma that is ready to buy a bike for a teenager. 

    The probability that an e-bike will be bought by someone who searches for it specifically for a long query is much higher than that those who entered a short query will buy it.

    3. Work with headers

    Whether you’re creating content for a newsletter, a blog post, or social media, it doesn’t matter if your headline is engaging. What was written before: Urgent! Hurry up! The best bikes in America! Now it works much less frequently.

    Today, a quality headline plays on people’s emotions. “Your grandson will be happy to receive such an electric bike as a gift!” What grandmother doesn’t want to make her grandson happy? Emotional headlines work in any kind of marketing, be it a targeted ad or a blog post. If the user has landed on your text by his long request, the title will convince him to open it and read it to the end.

    The main rule for creating a title for a sales text from which you expect a conversion is that it must be truthful. The times when websites and landing pages were lured with promises of sensation, and as a result, they gave the reader banally and not very high-quality texts, have passed. 

    Today, the title should accurately reflect the essence of the text but also be exciting and attractive. Therefore, the creation of headlines is a separate art.

    4. Storytelling is what works

    Putting too many facts and figures might be harmful to your texts. As a result, when opening websites, the user stumbles upon dry content, overflowing with numbers and facts that tell them little about the topic. 

    Of course, we are not talking about narrow specific niches where numbers are everything. Whether you’re selling software or a banking product, statistics and facts matter a lot, but even then, there’s a story to be told, as long as it’s presented correctly. 

    Short content (300-900 words) attracts 21% less traffic and 75% fewer backlinks than medium-length articles (900-1200 words).

    So what is this selling storytelling – a story that takes the reader from the hero’s problem to its solution with a product or service? The main task of such a text is to hook the reader on emotions because it is positive emotions that encourage a purchase.

    To turn a story into selling content, you need to follow a few simple rules:

    • Show that your character is similar to your potential client. It is necessary to prove to the reader that the company sees in them not only a potential buyer or wallet but a person. After all, it is humanity and personal relationships that have always been the engine of trade. If the reader even sees themselves in your character in the slightest, they will already be in the mood for action;
    • Support the reader – tell them that their situation, which they want to solve with the help of the product, is not unique and that there are many such situations. For example, I want to buy an electric bike for my son, but I don’t understand anything about them. What if I buy the wrong one or don’t like it? Show that the problem of choice is typical for everyone, and not just for the client, because many do not understand electric bicycles, and not only;
    • Give answers to questions and resolve the pain – if you do not do this correctly, the client does not feel satisfied, and they will not receive a response to his question. Therefore, say that the consultant advised the best model of an electric bike, the hero bought it, and the son is delighted. That’s all. If the hero solves the problem with the help of your service, then the reader can also easily solve it and make their child happy.

    Of course, storytelling requires a specific skill from a copywriter, even writing talent. But this technique works, and many have successfully transferred stories to the sphere of selling texts.

    5. Create the right call-to-action

    If your selling text, SMS, message, or post ends with the call to “buy,” “subscribe,” or “follow the link,” – this is both right and wrong at the same time. A call-to-action is an integral part of the selling text, but it can be smoothed out and veiled so that the client does not even understand that you have achieved what you wanted from him.

    For example, you want the reader to go to a landing page. You can offer him to get acquainted with the new products in the catalog, learn about the latest trends, and choose a package of services. 

    You can contribute to bookmark or favorite your site, thereby allowing the client to return to the solution later. Agree that this is better than if the reader closed the page forever and no longer remembered it.

    The call-to-action should be based on your needs. “We have many more interesting materials for you” – such a call will interest you and increase the likelihood that the reader will subscribe to the newsletter. 


    According to the Content Marketing Institute, 73% of B2B marketers and 70% of B2C marketers use content marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy. This means that content marketing has been and remains one of the most important tools for attracting new and retaining old customers. Therefore, the ability to write sales texts needs to be honed, constantly learning and following trends.

    To write sales texts today, you need to be a little psychologist and a little writer, but the main thing is to know who you are writing for and what you want from your readers. Today, the direct path in copywriting is not the shortest – it is a dead end, and the direct call no longer works. Readers are looking for emotions. But good selling texts that increase conversion can and should be written. 

    Additionally, make sure that you offer a comprehensive interface and a smooth transaction workflow to enhance the conversion with the help of multiple marketing tools, such as electronic signature.

    Hope this guide revealed the secrets and mysteries of successful content marketing and writing texts for you. Stay tuned to new insightful blog posts!

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