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    How To Convert Video To Text And Succeed In Your Marketing Efforts?

    As a marketer, you are the trailblazer of the advertising world. You certainly have your hands full.

    That is why you need marketing automation tools to help you ace your marketing efforts. 

    Marketing automation tools are great to increase your productivity, efficiency and generate more leads. One such automation tool is a video to text converter.  

    Videos make up more than 80% of online traffic. Moreover, 64% of marketers agree that videos will be the dominant medium of their marketing strategy efforts in the nearest future. 

    So, why convert video to text?

    Converting videos to text is a great way to enhance SEO visibility, improve user experience, and make your video content more accessible. That’s where a video-to-text converter makes your work easier. 

    However, there are more ways of transcribing your video content. 

    In this article, I will tell you how to convert video to text and succeed in your marketing efforts. 

    How To Convert Video To Text?

    Video transcription is not a himalayan task. Here are the three most common ways in which you can convert video to text: 

    1. Automate your video transcriptions
    2. Use mobile transcription tools
    3. Seek help from professional transcription services

    ways to convert video to text

    1. Automate your video transcriptions

    There’s no better way to transcribe your video to text than using a transcription tool. Such tools offer an AI-based transcription service and let you add subtitles to your video or export it in text, SRT, or VTT formats. 

    video to text converter

    Automated transcription entails translating whole video files into electronic text at a lower cost and with a faster turnaround time.

    On the other hand, automatic transcripts will require a person to verify for inaccuracies because they are never entirely correct. However, as technology advances, we may see tools with a precision of 80-96 percent, saving time by reducing the amount of work that must be done manually. If you don’t want to go complete software, a proofreading tool can assist you in revising your transcription. 

    2. Use mobile transcription tools

    You may transcribe your video with various apps available on the Apple and Android app stores. Simply go to your app store and search for the transcribing application you want. These applications are ideal for you, especially if you don’t have access to your desktop or laptop.

    transcribe software app store

    Mobile transcription tools also prove more convenient for transcribing Instagram or Facebook Lives or your marketing podcasts. You can use your smartphone’s microphone and easily convert your videos or speech to text. 

    The best part about it is that most modern PCs and cellphones have built-in transcribing capabilities so that you won’t need an internet connection or any additional downloads. 

    3. Seek help from professional transcription services

    To be honest, professional transcription services are expensive. They usually cost between 50 and 150 dollars. However, some may cost up to $500. 

    The price is acceptable for them because they offer a high-quality service. However, if you’re in the digital marketing business and require transcripts for your podcasts and tutorials, such costs might be prohibitive. Therefore you might want to investigate DIY transcriptions.

    You can also look into freelance employment platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. You can easily find and hire freelance transcribers to do the heavy work for you. Their rates for audio between 10 and 60 minutes range from $5 to $30, which may even be less expensive than transcribing software.

    hire freelance transcribers

    However, if the transcription needs to be kept private or if there are a lot of videos to be transcribed, you should use a professional transcribing company. The bulk of those businesses charges less than three dollars for an audio hour, while some charge between nine and fifteen cents for each transcribed line.

    How Can Video Transcription Help You Succeed In Your Marketing Efforts?

    benefits of video transcription

    1. Improve your SEO

    Unlike long-form articles or blog posts, videos do not have a way of telling the search engine about their content. This means that even if your video contains the best content for a specific keyword, the only way that the search engines can index it is through meta description and title. 

    A transcript of your video will give enough keyword-rich content for the video to be indexed appropriately. With proper optimization for search engines, your video or website will display in the results when customers search for keywords you have used.

    You’ll want to incorporate relevant keywords in your video’s conversation. Keep this in mind when you’re drafting a script for an interview or a promotional piece.

    2. Enhance user experience

    Every interaction with your brand must accommodate a wide range of customers and interests. You’re providing an extra service to your consumer by including a transcript with the video. You enhance your website UX to meet their requirements. 

    As a result, they’ll remain longer, familiarize themselves with other pages on your site, and better understand your business. You never know how or who will discover your material. 

    The difference between having a transcript for simple referencing and not having one might be between getting a repeat client or not getting any at all.

    3. Make your videos more accessible

    In terms of accessibility, the landscape is shifting. 

    More companies and organizations recognize the importance of valuing all people’s skills. With so much material available online, one of your main goals should be to make your content more accessible. 

    You will not only convey the right message about your firm, but you will also demonstrate to other businesses that a standard must be reached. Alternative content access is essential for persons with impairments, but it may benefit everybody. 

    Many physically capable persons rely on subtitles to drown out background noise, improve language acquisition, and aid reading. Subtitles increase video viewing by 40%.

    So, by including a transcript in your digital marketing plan, you’ve not only pleased search engine spiders and improved your SEO rating, but you’ve also considered your consumers, their preferences, and habits. They have a superior experience with your company since they can get the data needed in the desired format.


    That’s all for this article. Hopefully, you have understood the importance of transcription your video content. Using automatic transcription tools is the best way to convert a large number of videos to text in a less amount of time. Moreover, it also ensures that your data is secure, unlike when you use manual transcription. 

    Marketers may focus their efforts on more innovative work when repetitive activities are performed automatically. Work becomes more enjoyable and productive. That is why automating transcribing is a vital part of productive marketing activities. 

    This tedious, time-consuming activity is not worth a marketer’s time.

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