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    Easy Ways To Level Up Your Email Marketing Using AI Paraphrasers

    Email marketing is a vital strategy used by almost every small to large-scale business to buff up their marketing game. 

    The return on investment is great, which makes it the first choice even after so many other advanced ways are emerging, like social media advertising and PPC. 

    This type of marketing can indeed help your business a lot, but only if done properly. If you are unaware of the different nuances, you might fail to get the desired results. Most emails are never opened by receivers because they are either not compelling enough or have other issues. 

    The first and foremost thing to understand is how you should write your emails, and this can be a daunting process if you are a newbie. 

    This blog will discuss some of the top yet easy ways how you can level up your email marketing game using the AI paraphraser. 

    Before jumping onto the tips, you should know what paraphrasing tools are. 

    What Are Paraphrasing Tools, And Where To Find One? 

    A paraphraser, or paraphrasing tool, is an AI-based software offered by various websites. These tools are used to rewrite or revamp an existing text into a unique, compelling, and effective one. 

    Paraphrasing tool

    Paraphrasing software takes in text and performs several changes to improve text quality (flow and delivery), removes plagiarism if present, and rewrites for greater clarity. 

    These tools are popular among many site owners from different domains, including bloggers, content writers, students, and marketers. Because of the great demand, many websites offer paraphrasing software. You can find one effortlessly when searching online, but make sure you use a program provided by a reputable website, for example,

    Plagiarism fixer

    Now let’s discuss how paraphrasing tools can benefit your email marketing campaigns. 

    4 Ways How AI Paraphrasers Can Improve Your Email Marketing 

    An AI paraphraser can help you in different ways, but here are some of the best things about using these tools. 

    • Deliver near-human results

    As an email marketer, you have to understand your audience and recipients. You must ensure that you offer some product or service that resolves an issue they are facing. 

    Nobody likes to read an email that is poorly written or crafted by a bot with no human touch. 

    Many companies use AI-based tools that help them generate content from scratch, creating emails with no intention of helping consumers. Typically, a program uses statistical data and pre-trained models and creates general emails that don’t compel the reader or fail to grab their attention. Ultimately, such emails go to the trash. 

    However, this is not the case when you use the paraphrasing tool. When you enter the text in these tools, they ensure the paraphrased version looks more human-written. This is achieved with the help of deep learning and machine learning algorithms that ensure the content is readable and engaging. 


    • Add a creative touch 

    As mentioned, most of the emails sent by companies are never opened by the recipients because most use outdated and traditional ways to grab customers’ attention. You must be creative and passionate about your emails to get positive results. 

    However, generating content ideas is a complex task. You must avoid using the same email template repeatedly and instead write unique emails to your customers. 

    Writing separately for every customer in fresh and creative ways is daunting. Fortunately,  AI paraphrasers are here to help. 

    These tools are equipped with NLP techniques along with AI algorithms that can help you generate different versions of the text. Also, paraphrasers will offer different modes that can rewrite the same text in various creative ways. 

    Here is an example of a paraphrasing tool rewriting the same text uniquely. 

    Paraphrase tool

    • Remove plagiarism from text

    Plagiarism was not considered a threat in email marketing, but nowadays, it has become a mainstream issue that needs to be avoided for running successful campaigns. Plagiarism means copying someone’s ideas or work, using it, and claiming to be one’s unique work. 

    Plagiarism might be both intentional and unintentional. Most beginners in this field use pre-made templates for their campaigns, copy other people’s work, and use it as their own, which leads to plagiarism. 

    Plagiarism consequences are severe, and no matter whether you are writing emails or other forms of text, you need to ensure you are creating unique content. Paraphrasing tools can help in such cases too. 

    If you are a beginner and do not know how to write unique content or paraphrase existing content, you can get help from plagiarism checkers and paraphrasing tools. 

    All you need is to copy text and paste it into the tool, and it will come up with authentic and fresh text that you can use anywhere without worrying about plagiarism. 

    Rephrase tool

    • Prepare better texts

    To be the best at anything, you need to be passionate about it, learn, and practice a lot. As an email marketer, you need to be good at writing to craft emails that stand out.

    You must write, read articles and practice daily to improve your writing skills. However, it requires a lot of time, and you might not get that much time as an email marketer. 

    The easiest way to improve your writing and conversational skills while getting all your work done on time is to use a paraphrasing tool. 

    These programs can rewrite any text differently by using several sentence structures, changing words with synonyms, and changing the voices of the sentences (passive and active). The generated texts are unique and can be used anywhere you want. 

    You can get your work done and observe how a paraphraser changes the text and implement it in your writing, which will help you polish your skill. 


    Email marketing can help your business a lot when done effectively. There are many helpful tools for email marketers, and paraphrasers are one of the most essential. From generating creative and engaging emails to improving your writing skills, a paraphrasing tool is a game-changer. 

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