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    Rules To Remember When Writing A Guest Post

    Guest posting is the most implicit form of writing.

    Most writers do not own a blog but construct creative and quality posts for someone else’s blog following their instructions. The basic rule for crafting a guest post of value is to put quality over quantity, which is the exact opposite of what most writers do. 

    Guest posting requires very little time when you’ve got a creative sense of idealizing and combining elements to form an entity. Most websites hire qualified services to write guest posts that contain backlinks to their websites because guest posting is an effective form of monetizing your work. 

    Thus, if you write guest posts and want to avoid situations where the clients and editors review your work and immediately revert to the thought, “how to avoid bad guest posting services?”, then here’s what you need to do. 

    How To Create Exceptional Guest Posts: Basic Rules and Steps

    1. Come up with a topic relevant to the client’s niche 

    Guest posting is not about direct company advertising. To move the audience to the bottom stage of your marketing funnel, it’s necessary to find a route in-between from where you can attain both your client’s and your viewer’s appreciation. That’s just a fancy way of saying that a guest post must contain additional information rather than basing it entirely on your support link. 

    And since most guest posts direct the audience to a couple of sister posts, it’s essential that the hyperlinks they use are very authoritative and from top bloggers in the niche. Once you construct a topic that supports the client’s webpage, everything else will ultimately fall in order. But, you can’t go too basic with a guest post because, remember, quality is everything. 

    Hence, you must keep your tone informational, whether you’re pitching an idea or writing a mere guest post for your company or for a client. Controversial posts are unlikely to obtain any high ratings or traffic, so you must keep the tone of your content highly viewer-friendly.

    2. Create a proper structure of a quality guest post

    Creating an outline for any written content is the most crucial element before uploading it on the internet. And for guest posting, if you don’t have a scannable structure of your post, you don’t have an audience to view or appreciate it. 

    That’s precisely why it’s more challenging to craft a guest post than a mere blog post on your independent website. Guest posting is all about providing keen attention to detail.

    And here’s how a proper structure of a guest post looks like:

    article writing format

    • The title

    Is it even possible to create an entire content without coming up with an exciting title? Like any other piece of content, your title must be viewer-friendly in that it addresses existing solutions to potential problems people want to know.

    best article titles

    The title is the first element that persuades a reader to click on your website or content. If you fail to make it relevant, you have no chance against posts that rank on search engines. Magnetic headlines are crucial factors in driving traffic. 

    • Intriguing introduction 

    Studies show that if a subject of the content does not capture a viewer’s attention in less than 5 seconds, they are likely to ignore paying any further attention to it. If that’s not enough to emphasize the importance of an engaging introduction to your post, then nothing else ever will.

    Your post’s introduction must comprise three main parts: 

    1. Analyze the problem you’re viewers are facing by composing the first paragraph of your intro around the features of your title. 
    2. In the second paragraph of the introduction, suggest all possible solutions. Be assertive and quick, don’t provide too much detail because that will follow up once you dive into the context of the content. 
    3. And finally, compose a short paragraph on the viewer’s mindfulness for choosing your page to find answers. Intrigue your audience by informing them why your content is the most appropriate choice for the context they desire. 
    • Engaging content body and byline

    Last but not least, be informative throughout the content body and avoid fluff. Highlight certain crucial parts of the problem because when people wander through posts, they usually look for the bold letters that grab their attention. 

    Bold italics are an effective way to revert the viewers’ attention to your post. Don’t highlight every factor; you want to keep it simple rather than create an overwhelming end product. You can also bold out the hyperlinks that direct the audience to a beneficial outcome. 

    Choosing whether or not to construct a byline is entirely up to you and the framework of the content. Most writers prefer adding backlinks to their blog on guest posts they write for other websites. 

    3. Research through various articles 

    The key to writing a quality post is research. You’re not writing a simple command for a blog that can get info off three to four articles and maintain its credibility. For guest posts, you must aim for the sky because guests posts are unlikely updated every single day or any other week. Thus, they mainly highlight the most relevant forms of content. 

    That is why your guest post’s body must contain relevant information for the next couple of years and requires little to no modification because of authentic and uniform knowledge. The probability of writing a guest post of high caliber comes from searching your way through at least 10-20 relevant articles.

    Using alternative text synonyms is also a part of constructing a durable guest post. 

    4. Pay attention to the anchor text strategy 

    Before writing your guest post, you must know that it’s nothing without a relevant and intriguing anchor text. The blue underline and text color aren’t what drives an audience to click on the link; the connection and applicability of the text support it. 

    Most clients would just provide writers with an anchor text of preference, but you must create an exciting initiative if the choice is entirely up to you.  Your anchor text should not be longer than eight words because that’s too informative and basic for viewers, and it also takes the suspense and excitement out of the supporting link. 

    The anchor text must compose a synonym to the information within the link because viewers need to approach it. 


    Guest posting is one of the most effective outreach marketing strategies. It helps drive traffic to your original site by contributing to various leading blogs. You can also accept proposals from external writers who want to contribute to your website.

    Are you in need of a professional and what’s more important, fruitful guest posting service? Contact us! ReVerb will connect memorable stories about your brand and spread them across highly reputable resources.

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